Friday, September 24, 2010

Power Plate Conclusion

What I look like after a good Power Plate Session
So this Monday was the last of my 3 Power Plate sessions. The conclusion:

Do I think it works? Yes.
Why? Because it hurts to walk for the following two days.
Do I like it? Not so much.
Would I do it again? Yes.

Though the sessions normally don't last longer than 30 minutes, the Power Plate really tires you out. Of course, that's a good sign that its working, but...if you're someone that prefers a pleasant workout that doesn't cause too much strain or pain (ahem - like me), you won't appreciate how the Power Plate exhausts you after 1 minute. I like to be encouraged to come back and work out next time. BUT, don't get me wrong...the time does go by quickly AND I know that almost any exercise that really works will not feel pleasant.

Photo Credit: CC by

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